Sick Gambler


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Sick Gambler I was out of line yesterday and do not want to fight you now, I have to the conclusion what would i accomplish by kicking your ass. Lets make up, your a great guy, best gambler, best looking, funniest, sharpest, and nicest poster on the site. I hear you are also a generous guy. I have had a run of bad luck lately with the games, I am a 5-10 dime player and have gone bad. I know we have had run ins at Covers, ************ and Wagerline forums about such silly things through the years. Some of my posting names were Roman Empire, The British Chariot and Russian Stud, I am sure you remember me. I do not post much at across the street so I do not know you from there. You have been a good battle and you hav won every thread in the last 3 years. Did I tell you your a great guy and would want my son to be like you. Everyone in Canada loves you. Anyway I am an honest guy and you could trust me with your life, I would never screw you at all even though we never met and I live very far from you, but the internet has brought us together. I have always paid back money I have owed people through my 22 years of gambling and Vega can vouge for me, he loaned my 15 dimes last summer so I could continue my baseball system and I paid him back in full. A few other Canadians you know have loaned me money too and I payed them back. I need some accounts funded and since your a great guy and a stand up guy I do not think you mind loaning me 5 Dimes, 10 would be better but I will take 5, just in a slump and my games coming up are strong in the coming weeks. You can wire it or 3 consective days of payments to my account if you want and I will pay you back in due time. I am a man of Honor and will pay you back and you do not have to worry. Gamblers are low risk to loan money to because we are men of honor and ego and big bettors like me who are sharp as a blade will have this money doubled in 4 days. Thank you Sick gambler for considering my request, your a great guy and generous one and I will not forget this pal, if you do not mind calling you pal. We are all friends in the world and if there were more Sick Gamblers our world would be perfect. Possibly can you send them before 11:00 Am tomorrow.

Thank You

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What degenerate punk moved this thread, you is the moderator here, I want answers this was gambling related punk, do not take your losing plays out on me. We need a new moderator,I am going to find out which moderator did this and have him banned, no joke. Some ego asshole that is Johhny Bigshot behind the keyboard getting his kicks out of movihng threads.

Kenny I want this guy banned, I have known you for 14 years and we have played many many poker games together. I know you keep a low profile with me but I want him out or I am not giving you my syndicate plays next week in soccer.

It might be the punk Butterball or whatever this clown calls himself. Kenny he is going behind your back banning guys when your busy running your fine site and studying games. I could deal with Peep but not Butterball if that is who moved this thread. Kenny watch this guy or get rid of him, plus he is betting games on the job time and selling insurance on the side while he is supposedly working for you. This is called double dipping Kenny. I want him removed tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM and I want it announced in the main board and it should read " Butterball Banned. I want to see this happen live tomorrow morning. Your a good guy Kenny and I want you to do the right thing, he is like a Buddy Hinton of the Brady Bunch a big bully.

I am outraged at Butterball's behavior around here and it is very eratic, the least you should do Kenny is tell him no moving a thread unless it is cleared by you even if your in China playing Bingo. This guy has too much power Kenny and is probably trying to take the site over. He has told posters it is his site Kenny, what balls, you pay the bills , his ego is out of control. He said he makes all the decisions becasue you gave him total control, I do not believe this Kenny your not going to let him run your site I hope, your basically a lame duck owner right now, you will not stand for this I know you will not act now on this punk, poster are dropping here because of him by .234% per day, it adds up in the long run.

You have anice site Kenny and take control of this monster, he is telling everyone he has a peice of the site, his ego is out of control.

Ban Him
people like you are always welcome here!~ /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Who moved this thread, no one should Move the Russian Chariot, I am a well know Russian handicapper. I should have more pull than this and being treaty like a nobody.

RPM I want answers

you are a well known classy guy. You come into a forum, hide behind a pc & threaten to kick someones azz. you're a real high society guy alright.


don't worry about nasa, he's a good kid. He's harmless. He even apologized for challenging me to a fight. He's lucky because I've been training real hard the last 48 hours for this. He would have had his work cut out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Who are you General, tough name but can you back it up.I do not have time to deal with your circus act here, take it to wagerline you will fit in there.

Sick I take it as a yes for the loan, thanks a lot Vega even said your a good guy even though your an older guy, I think 50's, but I hear you look like your 37 and that is what matters.

Good Luck and I will get the money with Neteller tomorrow, I am logging off.

yes nasa, the money will be in your neteller acct tomorrow. Just make sure you leave me your NETeller acct #, so I can put the funds in. How much do you want, 20 dimes. It will be there first thing tomorrow morning, but don't forget to give me your NETeller acct # so I can process the transfer.

Good luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Peep, nasa is NOT BTJ. Trust me. I know who they both are, and they are NOT the same. However, I will say this. You banned nasa under his old name.

45 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
nobody is dumb enough to believe that SG is sending $20K to a stranger

Hamneggs- 13-1 ATS winner of the Hollywood NFL Contest. Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I got 7500 from you in my Neteller account at 10:00AM just like I asked. Thanks I knew I could count on you, do not worry I have solid plays already in and putting your money to good use. I will pay you back, I promise. I never screwed anyone out of a dime. Hopefully you will see it back in your account no more than a week plus an extra $500 tip. Your the man and a cash cow.

hey nasa, it's my pleasure man. Anytime I can help someone, it's a pleasure for me. I'm just happy you received the 7500. I was actually worried that I put the wrong acct # and some other loser got it. But i am happy you got it. As for paying me back, take your time. Whenever you start winning some, you can send me some back in chunks. Now don't go losing the 7500 in one day.

Good luck

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